Vault is HPC Center’s central dynamic security provider. It hosts credentials and information about systems.
For non-admin users, this is mainly used by HPC administrators to share sensitive information with users of our services, or by users to easily send sensitive data to our staff.
Vault can be accessed by logging in with the method LDAP and your university username and password. Another option for power users is to download and install the vault binary into your machine, and use it over the command line.
News and updates
Nextflow course for beginners (April 19, April 26, May 3, 2024)
This 3-day Nextflow course by ELIXIR Estonia, in collaboration with the University of Tartu HPC...
LUMI Intro Course on 11-12 December 2024
Join this online "LUMI Intro Course" that serves as an introduction to the LUMI supercomputer architecture and setup.
ETP4HPC webinar: LUMI
Time: Friday, Oct 27, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EEST.
The EuroHPC system LUMI,...