On our clusters, the default shell is Bash. With the operation system, a list of basic tools (mainly command line tools) are provided, including editors, file analyzing and manipulation tools, packing and transfer tools etc. This commands are accessible all the time, on all nodes.
Other software packages (libraries and applications) are available via the LMOD (lua modules) modules. By the help of this tool a lot of different packages even in different versions can be provided, without unwanted influences. These software packages are installed based on users requests, by using the Spack software management tool, when possible.
News and updates
Workshop on SARS-CoV-2 Data Analysis and Monitoring with Galaxy
The goal of this upcoming workshop is to build capacity in SARS-CoV-2 data analysis and...
Webinar “High Performance Computing for SMEs”
The HPC center of the University of Tartu and CSC (IT Center for Science) invite...
Information Day on AI-Friendly EuroHPC Systems
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is organising a three-hour virtual Information Day on Wednesday, 25 September (10:30 EEST) on AI-Friendly EuroHPC Systems.