Registry is HPC Center’s central container image proxy. This system allows to either host your own container images publicly or privately, or use it as a pull through cache, for an example to circumvent the Dockerhub rate limit issue.
This registry can be used by anyone to pull images, if the project is made public. But only authenticated users can push images, or pull from private projects. Authentication happens through the application itself, using the central University of Tartu credentials.
News and updates
Nordic-Baltic Security Summit
Soccer Project Team Attends Nordic-Baltic Security Summit.
The SOCCER project has started.
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HPC keskus osales konverentsil „Tööstuse äriplaan 2023“
Tallinna Sadama kruiisiterminalis toimus 16. novembril 2022. a konverents “Tööstuse äriplaan 2023”, mis tõi kokku...