LUMI continues to be the European flagship supercomputer

May 15, 2024 / LUMI
  1. LUMI webpage

The TOP500 project ranks and details the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world. The project was started in 1993 and updates the list of supercomputers twice a year. The newest TOP500 list, published on the 13th of May, reveals that LUMI is the fastest supercomputer in Europe. Globally, LUMI is positioned in the 5th rank.

LUMI uses 100% hydroelectric energy, and the heat it generates will be captured and used to heat buildings in the area, making LUMI one of the most environmentally efficient supercomputers in the world. LUMI is owned by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and hosted by a consortium of eleven countries, including Estonia.

Since its inauguration in 2022, LUMI has been instrumental in driving European research, innovation, and discoveries to the forefront of the global stage. Both academic and industrial users have been able to make use of LUMI’s computing power to make significant progress with, for example, large language models, digital twins and quantum technologies.

Researchers and companies can access LUMI computing resources through the Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure.